Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22, 2012

   Today I learned things that some people may never learn in their lifetime. They were things that teachers or parents can't teach. It is a moral that no one can comprehend in a single day. I learned that life is given to you you don't get a second chance. You don't get a second try at it. You can't just buy a life - you have one and one only. Today was a hard day not only because of the heat but the emotion that spread throughout everyone. The emotions ranged from sad to wanting to give up (because of the heat). Today we went to the Iwo Jima statue. I about cried! The statue consisted of six men... or as I should say boys. They were all 17-19 years old. Three died and three came home. When we arrived there I wasn't expecting to cry because it is just a statue. But when you hear the story of each boy you think of them more than a metal man you think of him more as a friend or a ... well a brother. Once done there we went to the Pentagon memorial. I cried like no tomorrow. I saw Dana and Zoe! Dana is three and Zoe was nine. They both died in the plane crash. I started to cry so bad because it reminded me of my brother and I. Today was, well, quite depressing.


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