Monday, June 25, 2012

Hi my name Keenan. I'm not the best typer ever so bear with me. The Freedom Tour was a great experience. The stuff you see doesn't sink in when you think about like it does when you see it. You can't learn the same thing in school as you can learn it in person. Seeing it make you realize a lot more. But its not all about learning about the Amish or WWII memorials it's also about the little things too like the bus rides and the hotel. I get to be with my friends and peers and have a great time learning about our country and its great triumphs. From day one the tour taught a lot. This is a experience you can't miss. Even if you're too old to go on the tour take a road trip. You won't be disappointed at what you see. It will teach you a lot. I'm so glad I took the trip and the time to spend learning more about our history and what has happened to bring us to where we are now. I love learning about our history and seeing where it has brought us and think about what will come. The Freedom Tour was one of the best decisions I had made this summer and I would like to do it again.
Our final days of the Freedom Tour have drawn to a close. As I write this, we are traveling through New York on our way to Brunswick. We started off our day at 5:00 AM. That was not a typo, it really said 5:00. We were all zombies who were barely awake when we got on the bus, but by 7:00, when we reached the today show, we were all wide awake. It was so exciting to see all of our favorite news anchors. We even got to meet Al!!!!!! The  most exciting part was seeing Peter Parker A.K.A.  Andrew Garfield. Some of the students got to have a conversation with him and said that he was very nice. Libbey, when asked about Andrew, said, "OH MY GOD!!!!!! HE IS A TERRIFIC DANCER AND HE IS SOOO HOT!!!!!!" I never knew Libbey was such a spider man fanatic. Aurora said to me, "Andrew is just so funny!" Even after Andrew asked us to get out of the pouring rain, we continued to stand dutifully outside. After the Today Show we went to the top of the rock where we could see all of New York. Then it was time for the thing all of us have been waiting for; shopping! We went all over downtown New York looking for the perfect souvenirs, or in Libbey's case, the perfect chocolaty snack. Monica  was one of a few people who went to Abercrombie & Fitch and got her picture taken with a male model. Our group had tons of fun at Urban Outfitters when we decided to try on the most ridiculous shoes we have ever seen in our lives. We then headed to lunch at the Hard Rock Café to meet up with the rest of the group. Inside the restaurant was some of the coolest artifacts we've ever seen. They had suits belonging to The Beatles and even some vintage motorcycles. Now we are on the bus heading home. I've asked a few students their opinions on the Freedom Tour. Alexis remembers the dinner theater as her favorite part of the trip, "I liked how everyone got to dress up," she exclaimed. Lena's favorite place to visit was Gettysburg, "It made history come alive," she explained. "The saddest part of this trip was either the Holocaust Museum or the Pentagon Memorial. The Holocaust was such a sad and scary piece of history; it was hard to see all the things that happened. However, the Pentagon was horrible too. As we entered through there, many people cried." None of us will ever forget what went on this week of our lives and we can not thank everyone enough. Thanks to the volunteers, Phill, and Marybeth. Most importantly, thank you. The parents who helped us get to the trip. We love and miss you! Can't wait to get home! 
Day #7 NYC....Again/ Trip Overview

Wow, it's the last day of the Freedom Tour and I can't believe how fast it's gone by. today we went to NBC's the Today's Show in the pouring rain to see Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone from the upcoming The Amazing Spiderman. After we went to the top of Rockefeller Plaza, went shopping, and ate lunch at the Hard Rock Café in Times Square.  All in all I must say that the trip ended on an awesome note. the trip itself had started in New York City in insane heat, and was pretty fast paced. On the third day we whisked off to Pennsylvania to see Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and the Amish country. Then after just one day and a short morning we were off to Washington D.C.  where the history was incredible. Going to the White House, Smithsonian Museums, Holocaust Museum, and the many, many, many memorials and monuments was a one in a lifetime chance. 
Toby's Dinner Theatre was incredible, and the Pentagon Memorial was beautiful, yet very sad. Now we are leaving New York behind on our last day. The memories we made were incredible. From the very first few meetings at school to rejoicing about even limited pool time. And of course, who could forget about the dance parties on the bus?! Everyone had memories to share.

Below are interviews with some classmates:

Most Memorable: "The hot weather! I will never forget that, and all the fun memories involved.
Funnest Thing You Did: "Dance parties on bus, most definitely."
Last Thoughts: "I think anyone who is even slightly interested should go. It was one of the best things you can do in life."

Most Memorable: "Katz's Deli, the food was AMAZING!!"
Most Fun: "Dance parties on the bus." (Shocker)
Last Thoughts: "I wish it had been cooler in Chinatown, it would have been more enjoyable."

Most Memorable: "The Today's Show, seeing Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone."
Most Fun: "Umm tough question, probably bus rides and Today's Show. Pool time too. And shopping, and Toby's Theatre."
Last Thoughts: "I'm tired."

Most Memorable: "Buying from the street vendors in New York City."
Most Fun: "Pool night at the resort!"
Last Thoughts: "When buying from street vendors, check your merchandise before walking away..."

As you can see, New York left a lasting impression on most people. I also want to add a thought for you all. When faced with the decision to go, sign up without hesitation. You will make new and unexpected friends, and memories that will last a lifetime. 
The one thing that stuck with me all week was D.C. learning about different wars and the Holocaust. By far though, waving to Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield was an amazing moment. For my precise thoughts on him, read Mikayla's blog. From bus rides to boiling heat, from the heat to ecstasy in the poring rain over major stars, this week was incredible. You really learn what freedom means. Freedom has a price, it's a right that has to be protected by the brave soldiers who fight for it. Freedom from your parents and to make good choices. 
I will never forget everything I did this week. I mean, I got to perform at the legendary Apollo Theatre! How many fourteen year-olds can say that?! To wrap things up I want to say some thanks. Thank you to the head chaperones Phil, Chris, Officer Stanton, and of course Mary-Beth. Thank you to the parental chaperones/ team leaders, bless your souls for dealing with all of us for a week! One last one, a MAJOR thank you to the nurses and people who supplied water! You.Are.Amazing. 
Lastly, I'm a very lucky girl for getting to go on this trip, anyone who has the chance should take it.

"I truly think this was a once in a life time opportunity" The first morning of the trip, I had to wake up early because I always forget to pack one item (usually the more important items). When I finally arrived at the Bath YMCA I just could not wait to get on the bus to go to New York City, but after a few hours on the bus I was ready to get off. Sure enough we arrive in New York City, and it was nothing like I have ever seen before, the buildings were huge, and I loved how there was so many cultures mixed altogether in such a small space. When we arrived in Apollo theater, everyone was so welcoming, and a great environment to be around. Tessa and I went on stage and got everyone to do "Head, shoulder, knees, and toes". We also got to go to Katz's deli which has amazing brisket sandwich, and good french fries. The next morning we took a ferry ride to Liberty Island, and of course saw Lady Liberty. I learn a couple of "fun facts" about Lady Liberty, she is the roman goddess of freedom, and the seven pokers on the top of her head represent the seven seas (I also think it could be the seven continents). Then we went to Ellis Island, and learn about the reasons why people immigrated to the United States, wishing for a better life, jobs, and family. Then we went to Battery Park which I think is were I learned my best lesson. I went to get water from a stand, I only had two one dollar bills, and one twenty dollar bill. The sign said two dollars for a water, I paid with the two ones that I had, the man said that the water was three dollars, so I gave him the twenty. I was supposed to get nineteen dollars back but I on got nine dollars back (At the moment I did not check what I gotten for change) but when it was time to go I realized I was ripped off. I was not  to happy about that for a while because I thought that I would never get my ten dollars back but thanks to Michelle (My group leader) she got the money back from the guy.The next day I had a lot of fun in Philly (Philadelphia) buying things, and learn that the Liberty Bell weighs 1,800 pounds, and the reason why its cracked is because after so many years of ringing it finally cracked. After than we got to go to Amish country were I bought really nice soap. The next day was a hard day because we visited the Arlington National, and the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial. The next day we went Toby's dinner which I would love to do again everyone looked very put together, the food was great, and The Wizard Of Oz, was great. Today we got to go to the Today show and got to see spider man (the actor) and got to be on National Television. "I completely would do this again, and I think I truly understand the meaning of the freedom this country has fought for, and protected.

The Freedom Tour has taught me so many facts about the history and freedom of the United States. Some of the things I learned this week was about the immigration during the 1900's and how many immigrants came over to Ellis Island to register in New York City. I also learned about the Lady Liberty and how she was made out of copper and was given as a present from France for the United States's 100 years of independence also in New York City. I learned many other things in Philadelphia including learning about the Declaration of Independence and also about how the United States got it's independence. The next day we went to Gettysburg and we learned about the Battle of Gettysburg which was one of the most bloodiest battles of the Civil War. We also got to see the battlefield of that war. The next day we went to Washington D.C. We got to see many of the memorials including the Holocaust Memorial, Pentagon Memorial, Vietnam Memorial and many more. After going to Washington D.C. for three days we decided to go back to New York City and shop and also see the today show. The today show was great and amazing because my friend and I were seen on television and it was one of the most greatest experiences ever. I think that the Freedom Tour was the most greatest experience of my life because it's a once in a life time chance to see all of these amazing states, cities and towns. 

During the Freedom Tour, I had many favorite sights that I loved to see. One of the sights was the Pentagon Memorial. The Pentagon Memorial was one of the most depressing moments of my life because it symbolized the 911 attack on New York, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia. Even though there were many moments that I had to let out my feelings, I thought that it was one of the most important life lessons to learn from. My second favorite sight was the Vietnam Memorial because I got to learn many things during the whole tour and I also got to hear stories from children who had fathers and brothers who fought during the war. My third favorite sight was Ellis Island because I got to learn about where and how the immigrants got through to get into the country. I also loved to see the Ellis Island because I always wanted to see the island and the history behind it all. The Freedom Tour was one of my favorite trips and I would want to go back onto the trip if I could again.

Freedom. You have probably used the word many times, heard it almost everyday, but do you really know the meaning of the word? Before I came on the Freedom Tour I hadn't really thought about freedom either. The Freedom Tour has taught me so many things that I would never have gotten to learn or experience on my own. While traveling around  with my group and on the bus I learned the history and independence of our country. This trip was not only educational, but also fun and interesting. We stopped by several locations that inspired me as a person and lead me to discover a new world that I had never experienced before. I would like to express to oncoming 8th graders how important this trip is, and that it has taught me so much. And now as were on the bus traveling back to our houses, I know I will never forget this freedom tour, and that the information I learned will stay with me throughout my life.

Starting off the day at five thirty in the morning, and leaving at six fifteen to drive to NYC catch a glimpse of the Today Show was very worth it. No one likes getting up early. But who wouldnʼt want to miss seeing people from Americaʼs favorite morning show? I wouldnʼt. Seeing the cast of the Today show was very fun, and everyone was ecstatic when they saw Andrew Garfield sitting in the studio, being interviewed by the Weather Channelʼs morning host. He kept turning around and waving at us. He even took a video of us as crazed fans on his phone. It was very exciting to see some famous stars.
! Along with all the thrills, we got to all take the elevator up to the top of Rockefeller Center, which was amazing. Great views of sky scrapers and the beautiful Central Park bought joy to everyone, and with the excitement, the hair on our heads stood up straight. Literally. But not to long after, was the time we all got to join into our groups, and wander off into the wondrous Times Square, a very bright lit, and very populated area of New York City. Shopping with friends, and just having a good time was the most important part of this day, and Iʼll never forget it. To conclude the day, we all ended up having a late lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. A great cafe where you went back in time music wise, and were reminded of how really great music was and still is.
! This trip was a wonderful once in a life time opportunity, and we should always remember it. This trip taught us how to handle situations, how to be a mature person when needed, and to just stay your self while having a lot of fun experiencing places youʼve always wanted to go to.


Times Square

Brunswick's Finest

Times Square

Team Leaders at Today Show

Today Show