Sunday, June 24, 2012

As said, today, the sixth day of the fantastic Freedom Tour, was an extremely emotional day for everyone. Starting off very early in the morning, we all rode the bus half awake half asleep to the the World War II monument. Stepping out of the bus to the beautiful fountains made me feel a bunch of emotions. Out of all the monuments we have seen the past five days, this monument was the most special to me. About two years ago, I just recently found out that I have a great grandfather who is still alive today. He fought in World War II, and gave my family his purple heart. Making a story short, walking around the monument bought tears to my eyes. They were happy and sad all at the same time. I felt so lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life now, and I now feel that I should cherish my time with him when ever I get to see him, and I will.
   Along with visiting this beautiful monument, we also visited this amazing museum that showed off the history of a terrible terrible event  that happened a long time ago in Germany. That was the Holocaust. The Holocaust was when a terrible dictator named Adolf Hitler took over Germany, and persuaded most Germans that the cause of Germany's problems were caused by Jewish people. Soon he and his gigantic party, the Nazis, began segregating and taking almost all rights away from all the Jews. This was when things began to get out of hand. Hitler and his Nazis began taking all Jews to the ghettos, and most Jewish families were captured and sent to concentration camps to be killed in gas chambers. The exhibits at the museum were very intense, and were pretty over whelming. But thats okay, because you shouldn't ever look away. We have to keep our eyes open and face history, because it's very important to learn about it. That's what I am going to tell myself now. But what really made me cry was the two big piles of shoes. Its hard to think that people were once wearing those shoes, but suddenly they had to vanish all because of their religion. Around the museum, I saw the phrase "Remember The Children". Everyone should pay attention to this, and support it. Always remember the men, the women, and especially the children who had to suffer a death and deal with problems they never would cause. Just remember, always remember.  

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