Monday, June 25, 2012

Freedom. You have probably used the word many times, heard it almost everyday, but do you really know the meaning of the word? Before I came on the Freedom Tour I hadn't really thought about freedom either. The Freedom Tour has taught me so many things that I would never have gotten to learn or experience on my own. While traveling around  with my group and on the bus I learned the history and independence of our country. This trip was not only educational, but also fun and interesting. We stopped by several locations that inspired me as a person and lead me to discover a new world that I had never experienced before. I would like to express to oncoming 8th graders how important this trip is, and that it has taught me so much. And now as were on the bus traveling back to our houses, I know I will never forget this freedom tour, and that the information I learned will stay with me throughout my life.


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